Carla Cain- Lead Band Member in Technofemininst Rejects
Name: Carla Cain
Age:29 - Born 29th of December
Appearance: Standing tall and very thin with dark skin, Carla has an unsociable feel about her.
She has an angular face, a well-formed nose, and angled lips. Her brown eyes are small and she has neat eyebrows.
She is naturally bald.
She usually wears dirty, sporty clothes that are mostly dark and loose, and she wears no jewelry.
Personality: Approachable, successful, dramatic, wild, entertaining, average mannered.
Personal Status
Social Class: Upper middle class
Education: B grade student
Marital status: Single (Pansexual)
Job: Creative
Financial status: Average
Personal views
Religious view: Apatheist
World view: Optimist
Racial views: "Everyone is equal"
Gender bias: "I am a feminist"
Age preference: "I respect actions, not ages"
Nationalism: "America is corrupt"
Conflict: "I'll curb stomp a bitch if I gotta"
Physical/Health: Frequently sniffles
Quirks: Always wears headphones, Can't function without coffee, Overspends when shopping
Likes: Surfing the internet, Writing
Dislikes: The concept of death, Screaming children in public
Afraid of: Being alone, Blood, and Pregnancy
Self-satisfaction:57% - Increasing
Fitness level:61% - Stable
Motivator: Depression
Skills: Skilled at drawing.
Colors: Likes green, hates yellow
Music: Likes Bluegrass, hates Reggae
Foods: Spicy food
Book Genre: Classic