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Project 1 WIP-

Consumerism & Sexism-
There is undeniable intersectionality when it comes to consumerism and sexism. Between the power structures of patriarchy and capitalism, there is a strong link between the motives of consumption and sexism. It "buy buy buy" to fill a hole in your soul that was dug out artificially by the media for as long as we can remember interacting with the world around us.
There are clear gatekeepers when it comes to determining hierarchy in America- rich, wealthy, white, cis, straight, men have ruled the top of media since the foundation of our colonized country. These men have been in control of the media the American people consume on a daily basis. All media may not have been made this way deliberately- but it certainly has an effect on how we perceive the world around us especially when it comes to beauty standards, success, and what we consider valued and normal in society.
I want to take a harsh and morbid approach to feminism as a way to disturb those viewing what I create. I feel that so much feminism today is about empowering those who are oppressed- which is amazing and has helped me immensely- but what happens when you address your oppressors as murderers, what happens when you show the morbid reality that women, people of color, and those labeled as "others:" experience on a day to day basis. When you aren't the one in the thrown- you cant see the suffering of those in catacombs below.
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